Beer is one of the oldest drinks in the world, and it comes in a variety of styles. Ales and lagers are the two most common types of beer, but each of them can be brewed in hundreds of different ways. Wild or acidic beer is made through the natural fermentation of yeasts, such as those used to make lagers and ales. The different types of beer are mainly differentiated by the type of yeast they use to ferment them.
It can be classified as lager or ale, depending on how it is fermented. Top fermentation occurs when yeast ferments at warmer temperatures and settles on top of beer, creating ales. Bottom fermentation occurs when yeast ferments at cooler temperatures and settles at the bottom of the beer, creating lagers. Beers like Lager and IPA come in different flavors. The International Bitterness Units (IBU) are what separates them.
The jump levels in the IPA range from 40 to 60 IBU, while those of the lagers range from 20 to 40 IBU. Compared to IPA, lagers come out sharper and cleaner as a result of this process. The United States produces American lager beer, also called North American lager. Lager style beer originated in Europe in the middle of the 19th century and became a popular beer in the United States after German immigrants brought the style. Beer styles are a way to classify and organize the many types of beer. Three common styles of beer are Ale, Lager, and IPA.
Ale is fermented with top-fermented yeasts, while lagers are fermented with bottom-fermented yeasts. IPA have higher hop levels between 40 and 60 IBU, while lagers have lower hop levels between 20 and 40 IBU. Other examples of popular beer styles are Amber Ales or Sour Ales. These three styles of beer are classified as “Ales”, but they have a different taste due to their ingredients, appearance and how they are brewed (fermentation process).Beers can be broken down into ale and lager beers, but there are several different types of beers.
Each beer varies greatly in color, alcohol content and flavor. Understanding the difference between each type of beer will allow you to recommend drinks to customers based on their food or taste preferences. Baked pale malts form the basis of most beer styles currently produced, with styles using other grains as a base that are distinguished by those grains (for example, bock, which uses Munich malt as a base). The types of beer can be divided into hundreds of different styles, all with unique flavors, colors and aromas. Two characteristics used to describe beer styles are alcohol by volume (ABV) and the international bitterness unit (IBU).Fruit beers and herbal beers are often listed as style categories themselves, fruits and spices are sometimes used to contribute to the flavor and aroma profile of other styles.
Any style of beer can be brewed as session beer, as sessions are simply less strong, more drinkable beers that are perfect for consumption in summer. To understand the differences between popular beers and their many iterations, it is helpful to learn the characteristics of some main styles and how they fit into two categories: Ale and Lager. Don't forget to choose the right beer glass for each style so you can enhance your guests' drinking experience.